Saturday, March 24, 2007


It is kind of lame and more than a little bit dorky to write about this in my blog, but it's so exciting I just can't help it. I have finally got a Subversion folder of my very own set up on the CCOM server - woo hoo! It's better than a backup system (hold on to your hats folks) - it will save every single revision that I ever do on my thesis, even if I make 700 revisions! Holy moley.

I haven't quite got the commands or structure sorted out in my head though, so I'm a little bit dangerous to myself right now. I need to make sure I don't inadvertantly overwrite something that's on my computer, yikes. Okay, if any of my CCOM friends are interested in learning how, I will show you whatever I know (which is not much right now, I'll admit). You should definitely get Nathan to set up a subversion account for you, you won't regret it.

Here's the book, it's online and it's totally free, and in a variety of formats (namely pdf and html): Subversion book .

And yes, I said holy moley. There's just no better way to describe it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could we see more picture's of john? he's really kool!