Thursday, March 29, 2007

New easel!

John got me an easel yesterday without telling me. We went out for pizza with Val and Kurt, and when we got home, I found it in the upstairs living room. It's so cool, it folds up into a little suitcase, so if I wanted I could take it out somewhere to paint. He also got two new rugs and re-arranged the living room. Thanks John! It was pretty hard to say no to painting last night, but I had math homework :( My painting skillz are pretty much non-existent, but it's nice to have someone who's encouraging me anyway. Pretty soon our entire apartment will be wallpapered with mediochre artwork by me. I'm not good, but I can paint fast!


Anonymous said...

what's that plot in the background? did you make it?

mom14 said...

You lucky girl! And don't underestimate yourself. Can't wait to see your work.